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Wounded Past

Wounded Past

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Wounded Past - Plot summary

When she was a young girl, Heloisa was harshly torn apart from the love of her life: Pedro, a straightforward romantic young man whose powerful family strongly believes the ends always do justify the means. Because she comes from a very humble background, Pedro’s parents set up all kinds of intrigues in order to prevent the couple from fulfilling their seemingly predestined love story. Twenty years later, all it takes is a casual encounter to spark that feeling again and have them fighting against not only Pedro’s family tricks, but also Heloisa’s mighty and unscrupulous husband.
Wounded Past
Wounded Past
Wounded Past
Wounded Past
TMDb Rating 5 1 votes

More information about Wounded Past

Desiring to view Wounded Past on your television or handheld device at your convenience? Looking for a platform to buy, lease, download, or sign up to watch the Wounded Past tv show can be tricky, but we are here to assist you in making your choice.

We've recited several streaming and cable services, incorporating rental, purchase, and subscription options, and have mentioned when Wounded Past can be found on each. Now, before we talk about the different methods and locations for seeing Wounded Past currently, here are some facts about the Drama Soap tv show produced by director

The show Wounded Past is graced with the performances of Cláudia Abreu (as Heloísa Martins (Helô)) Reynaldo Gianecchini (as Pedro Guedes Leitão) Vera Holtz (as Magnólia Costa Leitão / Maria Noronha (Mág)) José Mayer (as Sebastião Bezerra (Tião)) Humberto Carrão (as Tiago Leitão) The tv show, with a duration of approximately minutes, has received a user score of 5 on TMDb, which is based on the feedback of 1 users..

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Where to watch Wounded Past

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Creator of Wounded Past


Cast of Wounded Past

Cláudia Abreu isHeloísa Martins (Helô)
Heloísa Martins (Helô)
Reynaldo Gianecchini isPedro Guedes Leitão
Pedro Guedes Leitão
Vera Holtz isMagnólia Costa Leitão / Maria Noronha (Mág)
Magnólia Costa Leitão / Maria Noronha (Mág)
José Mayer isSebastião Bezerra (Tião)
Sebastião Bezerra (Tião)
Humberto Carrão isTiago Leitão
Tiago Leitão
Alice Wegmann isIsabela Dias / Marina Ramos de Almeida
Isabela Dias / Marina Ramos de Almeida
Isabella Santoni isLetícia Bezerra Leitão Martins
Letícia Bezerra Leitão Martins
Thiago Lacerda isCiro Noronha
Ciro Noronha
Camila Morgado isVitória Costa Leitão
Vitória Costa Leitão
Emanuelle Araújo isYara Garcia de Oliveira
Yara Garcia de Oliveira

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