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Jazzy Misfits

Jazzy Misfits

May. 27, 202092 Min.
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7 1 vote

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Jazzy Misfits - Plot summary

An aspiring singer Sun-deok is visited by her mother, whom she hasn’t spoken to in years. The abrupt encounter leads to the news of her younger sister Yuri, who had vanished with their savings. The mother-daughter team is now hunting for the missing girl and their money, poking around in Itaewon, the international hub of Seoul. Little do they know that soon they will be faced with Yuri’s unlikely secrets.
Jazzy Misfits
Jazzy Misfits
Jazzy Misfits
Jazzy Misfits
Original title 초미의 관심사
TMDb Rating 6.5 8 votes

Jazzy Misfits trailer

More information about Jazzy Misfits

Wishing to view Jazzy Misfits on your television or handheld device at your convenience? Looking for a platform to purchase, rent, secure, or sign up to watch the Jazzy Misfits movie can be confusing, but we are here to help you in making your choice.

We've listed a host of broadcasting and cable services, including rental, buy, and subscription options, and have indicated when Jazzy Misfits is available on each. Before we discuss the various ways and places you can watch Jazzy Misfits currently, here are some details about this Comedy Drama Family movie from director Nam Yeon-woo

The movie Jazzy Misfits prominently features Cho Min-soo (as Mother) Kim Eun-young (as Sun-deok) Lee Soo-kwang (as Michael) Choi Ji-su (as Yoo-ri) Park Se-jun (as Police Kim) The screen time of the movie is around 92 minutes, and it has a TMDb user rating of 6.5, which is compiled from 8 user reviews..

Your perspective matters! Your unique viewpoint on the Jazzy Misfits can assist others decide whether to see it or not. Sharing your thoughts can also broaden your understanding of the film. So, why not take a few moments to write a review? Whether you loved it, despised it, or felt somewhere in between, your observations are significant. Remember, a good review doesn't just articulate an opinion—it also provides reasons for that opinion. So, consider what worked for you in the movie and what didn't, and try to elucidate why. Happy reviewing!

Where to watch Jazzy Misfits

is Jazzy Misfits on netflix is Jazzy Misfits on prime is Jazzy Misfits on disney is Jazzy Misfits on apple tv is Jazzy Misfits on peacock is Jazzy Misfits on hbo is Jazzy Misfits on hulu is Jazzy Misfits on paramount

Director of Jazzy Misfits

Nam Yeon-woo

Cast of Jazzy Misfits

Park Se-jun isPolice Kim
Police Kim
Terris Brown isJeong-bok
Ahn Sung-Min isYoungest constable
Youngest constable
Ahn Ah-joo isSa Rang
Sa Rang
Oh Woo-ri isSeon-woo

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